A habitat of future

Weekly top 10 picks by an

A selection of some of SuperRare’s Senior Curator’s favorite recently minted artworks

Nov 11, 2021 Top 10 Picks

2 years ago

SENJA is part of Marco Grassi’s genesis NFT collection “Alive”. The idea behind this series is to create a unique, boundless experience within each photo. The recurring elements – the human figure and the natural landscape – are two distinct parts that blend together creating an intertwining of subject and object, of author and his audience. A shared emotional space where the boundaries between different roles – the individual and nature, reality and representation of reality – dissipate to create an experience, which is as authentic for the creator it is for the viewer. The tiny unidentified person in contrast with the powerful, immense landscape is the element that transports you into the picture and makes you part of it: suddenly, you identify with the human figure and feel as if you were there, connected with the elements ready to experience an unrepeatable moment in time. If you close your eyes long enough, the experience becomes palpable, real. Even before a collector decides to purchase the right to a piece, he is already present in Marco’s imagination, he is already immersed in the experience without knowing it. In this sense this collection is a journey back, it is the discovery that man and nature, author and viewer are, and have been, the same thing, all along. In the case of this specific picture, you have just reached the top of a steep mountain in Norway. The sun has started to rise and you are catching the very first rays of a new day. As you are standing there, the only thing you can hear is silence. You feel the rough, rocky ground under your feet and the fresh air on your face. In front of you, the world. When a piece is collected, this virtual experience evolves into a real-life experience: the collector is given the opportunity to join Marco to the destination pictured in the image. These are unique, tailor-made experiences that transform a metaphoric journey back to the union with the elements, in real one that can be felt, smelled, heard and discovered. Details of this experience will be discussed between the artist and the collector after purchase.

Inspired by a dusky night in NY. Amour touches on the power of vulnerability, in this 24Hr connectivity and our human interactions. Exploring the relationship between colors, and how they create an atmosphere within our soul.

I named Salvador Dali and René Magritte as my parents. My white dove, a symbol of the soul in flight, where the idea is free and not confined in my body like a bird in a cage. And the style of magical realism from my Magritte, flows seamlessly into the deep dream of surrealism, where the white birds will never return.

Visual and music/sound design by Maskarade [ Enable audio ????] – ‘AGENT’ explores the hypothetical scenario called an “intelligence explosion”, where an intelligent agent has achieved artificial general intelligence (to learn/understand any task that a human can), which then develops the potential to perform rapid self improvements, resulting in artificial superintelligence with cognitive abilities greatly exceeding that of any human. Created for 0xSociety’s “humA.I.ns” exhibition

Rugs, sponges, and worms wearing trousers. Illustrated on an Ipad Pro in Procreate. Total tracked time – 87 hrs Total strokes made – 84012



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