SuperRare Generative and AI Art Week

Sep 7, 2020 Events

4 years ago

SuperRare Generative & AI Art Week (Sep 7-10th) introduces you the best generative & AI artists on our platform. The event features more than 30 articles, interviews, studio visits, panels and multimedia projects from 20 generative & AI digital/crypto artists from SuperRare. We aim to provide you an in-depth understanding of the artistic/technical process and the stories behind each artists and their art projects.

Strength, Solitude
Edition 1 of 1
Separation from nature. Coded with JavaScript. 1800×1200. GIF. 21.5MB.

Virtual Exhibition



Studio Visits


Generative Art Week: Panel Conversation with 4 Female Artists
Moderated by Kate Vass with Sofia Crespo, Anna Ridler, Helena Sarin and Anne Spalter. Generative female artists in the conversation about gender diversity, pricing and valuation of female art in digital art market.

Panel Conversation: Artistic Process and Generative Art
Moderated by artnome, this panel explores the artistic process behind generative and AI art with three leading artists, Helena Sarin, David Young, and Alexander Reben. The goal is to help collectors and potential collectors to develop a more nuanced understanding of how decisions around tools and process ultimately shape the work they share with the world.



SuperRare is a marketplace to collect and trade unique, single-edition digital artworks.



Curators' Choice