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PRØHBTD: Psychedelic Art for Bicycle Day

We 🖤🍄and believe it can be a positive force for promoting creativity and improving mental health, and we wanted to celebrate 🚲🌅week by minting new NFTs with a psychedelic touch. Family Renaissance is available now on SuperRare, while our most psychedelic piece to date, Sanity Is Overrated, is set to drop on Wednesday. We hope our pieces help inspire a colorful and creative week.

Apr 19, 2021 Events

3 years ago

The year: 1943. The place: Basel, Switzerland. Dr. Albert Hoffman, a chemist at the pharmaceutical company that later introduced Ritalin, decided to revisit a creation he 🔬five years earlier: lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD). During its re-creation, he ingested a small amount when he 💁 his mouth and face. 

“I lay down and sank into a not unpleasant intoxicated[-]like condition, characterized by an extremely stimulated imagination,” the 👨🏼‍⚕️recalled. “In a dreamlike state… I perceived an uninterrupted stream of fantastic pictures, extraordinary shapes with intense, kaleidoscopic play of colors.”

After contemplating the 😊over the weekend, Dr. Hoffman decided he wanted more, so he intentionally  👅 ▫️ 250 micrograms of LSD, thinking that amount would represent the minimal amount needed to feel the effects. He was a little off considering a threshold dose is closer to 20 micrograms. Dr. Hoffman started to feel 👽and realized he should 🛸, but the full psychedelic rush hit him on his 🚲ride home. For this reason, psychonauts traditionally refer to April 19 as Bicycle Day. 

We 🖤🍄and believe it can be a positive force for promoting creativity and improving mental health, and we wanted to celebrate 🚲🌅week by minting new NFTs with a psychedelic touch. Family Renaissance is available now on SuperRare, while our most psychedelic piece to date, Sanity Is Overrated, is set to drop on Wednesday. We hope our pieces help inspire a colorful and creative week. 

Dr. Hoffman — who later identified psilocybin as the psychedelic compound in 🍄— continued to microdose LSD for much of his life. In his memoir, he wrote, “I see the true importance of LSD in the possibility of providing material aid to meditation aimed at the mystical experience of a deeper, comprehensive reality.” 

Let the surreal reshape your concept of real. Explore for the sake of exploration. 



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