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Creators from The North: Five nordic artists you’ll admire

Sweden-based digital artist, Amparo, guides us through a taste of the far north.

May 3, 2021 Uncategorized

3 years ago

In the mood to be hypnotised? Taking every day items and creating the perfect, endless loop – Oscar Pettersson of Stockholm delivers the flawless 3D animations. His latest piece, “Cactus Cuddle” features an interlocked cacti that instantly brought my be back to my Arizona upbringings. 

It’s time to add some color (and fun) to your collection with Vegard Aarhus’ creatures. “She is a monster, but she does not know” introduces us to Freya, an innocent monster who was once an outsider but as she spoke, she began to change colors and developed an extra set of eyes. If you were a fan of KidRobot collectibles, then you’ll love the one of a kind Freya. 

There’s something truthful that resonates with each of magoz’s creations. The Malmo based illustrator and animator creates seamless loops such as his latest piece, “Struggle.” Though everyone’s personal struggles differ, the feeling of anxiety and overcoming obstacles remains the same, which makes this such a loveable piece.

Defying gravity and the material world, David Åberg is a digital sculptor and 3D animator who shares with us what he thinks personas of the future might look like and how they relate to us. “Ultra – Fusion version three” is a sci-fi sculpture that washes over you with a sense of calmness and intrigue. Your eyes will instantly be drawn to the level of detail he has carved out in this signature piece. 

I could stare for hours on end at Ragnar Þórhallsson animated water colour artwork. The Icelandic artist recently released a mixed media painting,“Eru þau að bíða eftir að ég segi eitthvað?” is the first in a series of self portraits, capturing the inner dialogue and intrusive thoughts of an anxious mind. His line work and color palette instantly captured my gaze and I look forward to seeing more from his coming series.



Amparo is an Arizona native currently residing in Gothenburg, Sweden where she creates day dream induced artworks from data sets of her own photography.   SR: https://superrare.com/amparo



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